About me
My name is Christina.
I have always been creative.
Creating constantly as a child.
I really enjoyed trying different projects inside craft books. What fun new things you could find inside them.
My favorite class in school other than recess was art class. Collages, clay, painting, and more!
Getting older I would veer in and out of various mediums.
I tried my hand at woodworking, painting, jewelry, music, just to name a few.
I could get lost for hours in my paint. My band collages that I created took at least 35 hours each.
Then I found embroidery.
Back in 2010 I met my now husband. A mutual friend had showed us some embroidered patches he had gotten. One of his friends had them made up through a business that used embroidery machines. Right then I thought to myself, "I can do that!" So it began. I was far from a professional. Not at all the correct supplies, but I made it work. My first hoop wasn't even a real hoop. It was cardboard I cut a circle out of and taped the fabric on.
My goal was never to create art to make a living, it was make art because it is how I experience life.
Fast-forward twelve years. I have all the right tools and a great customer base. I have added sewing to my list of skills.
I no longer am crafting as a hobby. It is now a full fledged business. Vending at festivals and selling my wares.
What a magical journey!